Water-based emulsion resins are widely used in the textile industry, especially in the carpet sizing field. For a deeper understanding of these resin applications in the textile industry, a brief description is needed.
The fabric print binder is a water-based emulsion resin derived from vinyl acetate, acrylate and styrene monomers. This type of resin has a self-crosslink property, so when it bonds with the cotton fabric, causes the pigments to stay on the surface of the fabric. BINAB-40 as a pure vinyl acrylic copolymer and BINAB-40P is an acrylic copolymer product. These two Abnilshimi products are used as textile printers.
Carpet sizing: sizing are a type of materials that increase carpets' strength, prevent pilling and enhance high stiffness. It noted that a large amount of Abnilshimi manufactured resin is used in coating carpets. These products include PHP-24, HM-21, NILCO-210, NILCO-220, NILAB-350S, NILAB-345S, etc. To find out more about the products` technical specifications with textile industry application and to download the Abnilshimi`s products table(Abniltable), see the following tabs. (84)
Sizing technical Data
(Tg ( °C (MFFT ( °C (Density (gr/cm³ pH Solid (Viscosity (cP SERIES 30+ 16 1.05±0.08 4-5 50±1 10³*(300-360) H-21 36+ 16 1.05±0.08 4-5 50±1 10³*(280-320) H-77 - 16 1.2±0.05 6.5-7.5 52±1 10³*(170-220) HC-17 30+ 16 1.05±0.08 3-4 50±1 10³*(180-220) HM-21 20+ 14 1.05±0.08 5-6 49±1 150-200 HB-105 30+ 16 1.05±0.08 4-5 50±1 40-50 H-213 - 12 1.05±0.08 3-4 51±1 10³*(100-150) HM-544 30+ 16 1.05±0.08 3-4 50±1 200-400 HM-21/1 30+ 16 1.05±0.08 3-4 50±1 102*(10-40) HM-21/2 15+ 13 1.05±0.08 3-4 49±1 102*(14-20) HM-21/4 32+ 16 1.05±0.08 4-5 50±1 10³*(255-275) PHP-24 12- 5 1.05±0.08 4-5 50±1 10³*(65-68) NILCO-215 6+ 13 1.05±0.08 4-5 50±1 10³*(54-56) NILCO-210 20- 1> 1.05±0.08 4-5 51±1 10³*(17-20) NILCO-220 15+ 10 1.05±0.08 4-5 51±1 10³*(220-250) NILCO-208 - 10 1.05±0.08 3-4 51±1 10³*(105-125) NILTEX-546 - 11 1.05±0.08 3-4 51±1 10³*(23-25) NILTEX-544 50+ 55 1.05±0.08 7-8 45±1 80-150 NILAB-350/S 45+ 50 1.05±0.08 7-8 45±1 80-150 NILAB-345/P -
Textile binder print technical Data(Tg ( °C (MFFT ( °C (Density (gr/cm³ pH Solid (Viscosity (cP SERIES 3- 1> 1.02±1.06 7-8 40±1 30-40 BINAB-40/P 0 1> 1.05±0.08 7-8 40±1 10³*(1.5-2.5) BINAB-400/S 10- 1> 1.02±1.06 5-6 40±1 80-150 BINAB-40