Vinyl acetate homopolymers and acrylic copolymers resins that manufactured in Abnilshimi are used for construction application such as surface and roof insulation, concrete adhesives and tile adhesives.
White Roof Insulation is humid proof made of acrylic resins (pure acrylic and vinyl acrylic) with fillers like cement and calcium carbonate. The white colored insulation reflects sunlight and makes the building's roof, less warm. It should be noted that these components are a good replacement for old roof waterproof insulations. NILAB-315PRC and NILCO-312TRC are two of Abnilshimi products which recommended for white roof insulation.
Tile adhesives are mortar based on cement or fillers such as calcium carbonate powder and vinyl acetate homopolymer or vinyl acrylic copolymer for waterproofing. So This compound adhesive could attach tiles to surfaces while in the past just sand-cement compound was used in this purpose. To figure out more about the technical specifications of Abnilshimi`s products that applied in surface and roof insulation, concrete and tile adhesives, and download the Abniltable, see the following tabs.
Surface and roofing sealant technical Data
(Tg ( °C (MFFT ( °C (Density (gr/cm³ pH Solid (Viscosity (cP SERIES 3- 6 1.05±0.08 7-8 50±1 10³*(4-8) NILAB-203/S 15+ 16 1.05±0.08 7-8 50±1 10³*(3.5-4.5) NILAB-315P 18+ 20 1.05±0.08 7-8 50±1 10³*(3.5-4.5) NILAB-318S 5- 1> 1.05±0.08 7-8 35±1 10³*(2-3) NILAB-315/PRC 12+ 8 1.05±0.08 4-5 52±1 10³*(10-25) NILCO-312T -
Concert and tile Adhesives technical Data
(Tg ( °C (MFFT ( °C (Density (gr/cm³ pH Solid (Viscosity (cP SERIES 30+ 16 1.05±0.08 4-5 50±1 10³*(300-360) H-21 30+ 16 1.05±0.08 3-4 50±1 10³*(180-220) HM-21 6+ 13 1.05±0.08 4-5 50±1 10³*(54-56) NILCO-210 12+ 8 1.05±0.08 4-5 52±1 10³*(10-25) NILCO-312 6+ 13 1.05±0.08 4-5 50±1 10³*(20-40) NILCO-211 10+ 1> 1.05±0.08 4-5 50±1 10³*(20-30) NILCO-625/4 18+ 20 1.05±0.08 7-8 50±1 10³*(3.5-4.5) NILAB-318S 15+ 16 1.05±0.08 7-8 50±1 10³*(3.5-4.5) NILAB-315P 5- 1> 1.05±0.08 7-8 35±1 10³*(2-3) NILAB-315/PRC 10+ 1> 1.05±0.08 7-8 35±1 30-60 NILAB-318/TA