- Product Application
- Print primer for thin aluminum foil
- Print primer and stabilizer
- Food coverage
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Primer for thin foil Print, print primer or stabilizer, and food coverage are example of Abnilshimi Acrylic resins application in food industries.
Print primer for thin aluminum foil(Tg ( °C (MFFT ( °C (Density (gr/cm³ pH Solid (Viscosity (cP SERIES 30+ 28 1.05±0.08 7-8 50±1 10³*(6-10) NILAB-330P -
Print primer and stabilizer technical data
(Tg ( °C (MFFT ( °C (Density (gr/cm³ pH Solid (Viscosity (cP SERIES - 1> 1.05±0.08 7-8 45±1 10³*(4-8) BINAB-310/ST -
Food coverage technical data
(Tg ( °C (MFFT ( °C (Density (gr/cm³ pH Solid (Viscosity (cP SERIES 6+ 13 1.05±0.08 4-5 50±1 10³*(20-40) NILCO-211 12+ 8 1.05±0.08 4-5 52±1 10³*(10-25) NILCO-312